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In the world of business, it's all about making money. And a lot of people think that SEO is just a way to get more traffic to their website. But what they don't know is that search engine optimization can also help increase conversion rates!

That's because you can use SEO to improve your conversion rate by tracking conversions closely and using strategies like A/B testing.

In this post, we'll talk about 11 ways for increasing your conversion rates with search engine optimization!

What is CRO?

We'll start by understanding what conversion rate optimization is and how you can improve your conversions.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) has become increasingly popular over the past few years, especially for e-commerce companies that want to increase their sales through digital channels.

CRO usually starts with Google Analytics but there are tons of other tools you can use to get started.

The first step of CRO is understanding your website's behavior flow which you can do by setting up funnels in Google Analytics or using a heat map tool like CrazyEgg for example.

Then, once you have that information about how users are behaving on your website it's time to experiment with the design of your site. You can do this by A/B testing different elements on your pages to see which ones work best for you and increase conversions!

Relation between SEO and CRO

SEO is closely related to CRO because you can use SEO tools to improve your site's performance in organic search.

Remember that the better your site performs for certain keywords, the more likely it will be that users find your website while searching on Google!

One of the best parts about search engine optimization is that not only is organic traffic some of the most valuable you can get, but you can also use the process of SEO to improve your conversion rate as well. For that, your SEO audit tool is your best friend.

That's because you need to keep track of your conversions closely to improve your conversion rate. Before we talk about more such strategies to improve your conversion.

11 Ways to increase  your conversion rate with SEO

1. Relevant and Engaging Content

One of the most important things for increasing your conversions is to have content that's relevant and engaging. Users are more likely to convert if they find value in what you're writing, so make sure it's well-written!

The best way to ensure your blog posts will be beneficial for users is by using all five senses when creating your content. That'll help you create a more immersive experience for your readers and get them to convert!

2. Focusing on User Experience

Another thing that can increase conversions is focusing on user experience by making sure users have an easy time navigating through your website's pages.

This includes having clear buttons, labels, calls-to-action (CTAs), and easy-to-find contact information.

A good way to do this is by using a heat map tool like CrazyEgg or Optimizely to get feedback on which parts of your website are getting the most attention from users.

Then, see if you can change around certain elements (like CTAs) in order to improve conversions.

3. Utilize Keywords

Keywords are an important part of SEO but they're also a great way to increase conversions. When you use your target keywords in the right place, users are more likely to click on them and convert!

For example, using long-tail keywords will get you better results because it's usually easier for people searching online to be closer to converting when they search for more specific terms.

Long-tail keywords might include "buy used cars in Dallas" instead of just buying a car, for example!

Make sure to research which keywords you should use and then focus on optimizing your content with them by using tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush.

4. Combine A/B Testing and CRO

One of the best ways to increase conversions is by combining A/B testing and CRO. This means that you're basically optimizing all aspects of your website in order to get more conversions!

A good way to do this would be by utilizing tools like CrazyEgg or Optimizely, as mentioned above, which allow you to run tests on your website.

Then, you can use an analytics tool like Google Analytics or Mixpanel in order to measure the results of that test and see which elements are increasing conversions.

5. Research Your Target Market

Researching your target market is one of the best ways to increase conversions because you can then cater your website and content to that audience. If people feel like they're being catered to, there's a good chance they'll convert.

So if anyone in your target market isn't converting on your site for any reason (for example, maybe it takes too long to complete a form), you'll want to address those issues as soon as possible.

Also, if there are certain demographics who aren't converting that you'd like more of (like men or women for example), research can help you find out why and then fix it!

6. Add on Your Visual Elements

In addition to making sure your site is easy to navigate, you'll also want to focus on the visual elements of your website. This includes having a great logo and images that are relevant to your content.

A good way to do this would be by using tools like Google Fonts or Canva in order to design a logo that will stand out and be relevant for your content.

That way, users are more likely to engage with those elements on your site which can increase conversions!

7. Include Social Proof

Another thing you'll want to do is include social proof so others know they're making a good decision by converting on your website. This might mean including testimonials, reviews, or any type of social media following.

For example, if your business has an Instagram account with a lot of followers who are engaging with you on that platform (liking posts and commenting frequently), then it's likely they'll want to follow you on other platforms as well!

So by including those types of elements on your website or any other type of conversion-related content, you'll show users that they're making a good decision by converting and it'll increase conversions.

8. Fixing Broken Links

When people are reading your content, it's important that they have easy access to other pages on your website.

Many users will click on internal links when searching for more information or want to learn about a certain topic in depth. That means you need to make sure all of those pages work and don't link back to a 404 error page.

A good way to do that is by using an SEO tool like Ahrefs or Moz that can quickly point out all of the broken links on your website. Then, you'll be able to fix those errors and increase conversions!

9. Improve Page Speed

Another thing that can increase conversions is to improve page speed. Users are impatient and will bounce from your website if it takes too long to load, so you need to make sure your pages have low loading times!

A good way of doing this is by using Google's PageSpeed Insights tool which gives recommendations on how users can decrease page load time. Then, you can start working on implementing those changes into your website!

10. Content Upgrades

One thing many e-commerce companies use to increase conversions is content upgrades.

These are usually different types of downloadable assets that readers can get in exchange for their email address and they help you build a relationship with your website's users over time.

A good way to create effective content upgrades is by using LeadPages or Thrive Leads which makes it easy to design lead magnets and integrate them onto your website.

Another important thing to remember is that the better your content upgrades, the more likely it will be for users to give you their email address and then return back to complete a conversion later on!

11. Consistency is the key

Consistency is the gateway for success when it comes to increasing conversions on your site. So if you want users to convert, make sure they have a great experience and that the entire process is easy to complete for them!

Regularly updating your website with new valuable content is a great way to encourage users to convert.

You can also improve conversions by ensuring that any shopping cart or checkout process you have on your site works as expected and doesn't cause issues for customers!

The more consistent you are, the more likely it will be for users to stick around and continue converting which is what you ultimately want.


Increasing Conversion with SEO is possible, it just takes time and effort. But if you have a strong content marketing strategy in place alongside your SEO efforts, then users will be more likely to convert which is what ultimately matters!

That's it! These are some of the best ways that you can increase the conversion rate with SEO. If your website is already well-optimized, then adding these strategies will be a great way to improve conversions and grow your business.

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