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What are your thoughts when you think about how to communicate with clients? Is it something that you have a lot of experience with, or is it something that leaves you feeling uneasy?

No matter how experienced you are at speaking with clients, there’s always room for improvement.

In fact, how you communicate with clients is one of the most important aspects of how your company appears to others.

Client Communication

Client Communication is the key to project the image your company wants to perceive by their clients. It’s how well you connect with both new and existing clients that can make or break your business.

It is the way you maintain relationships with clients, and how they may be able to grow through your business. You can share your knowledge and provide expert advice.

It is how clients can feel appreciated and wanted by a company that really understands them. It’s how they know that the people who represent their company actually care about what happens to them as a person, not just as a client or lead for the business.

Here are the strategies you need to make it all happen and to find balance in your daily routine:

1. Have a Clear idea about Your Product or Service

Many business owners have a hard time figuring out how to communicate what they do. The first step is to figure this out in the simplest way possible so that your clients can understand your product or service and how it will help them solve their problems and achieve their goals.

You need to be able to explain how you differ from competitors and how you can provide a solution to your client’s needs.

This is how they will be able to see how you are different, what makes you unique, and why they should work with YOU instead of another company or freelancer who does not understand their needs quite as well as you do.

By creating this connection and having this knowledge, you will be able to provide the best possible service and create a relationship that can grow with your business.

2. Create an Open Communication Channel

One of the most important aspects of how to communicate with clients is how open you are about what’s going on in your company.

If something isn’t working as it should, or if you’re dealing with a challenge that could affect how clients view your business and how they feel about the relationship you share together, let them know.

It is important to always be as open and transparent as possible so that there are no surprises down the road. When problems occur in any aspect of your company, how you communicate about them can make or break how your clients feel about working with you.

Letting your client know what’s going on is important so that they are not left in the dark wondering how something might affect their business, especially when it comes to delays and missed deadlines (which I’ll get into later).

3. Be Flexible & Adaptable to Your Clients Needs

It’s important to be flexible and open with how you communicate, not just how often. It is also vital that you are able to adapt based on your client’s needs and how their business operates so that they feel supported by your company at all times.

If a certain way of communication works for them, then let them tell you how they work best. This can be through chat, email, or phone calls.

It’s how YOU adapt to their needs that will help create a strong relationship with your client and make sure that communication stays open between the two of you at all times.

4. Be Proactive & Prepared

It’s how you communicate with clients that will show how proactive and prepared your company is for anything that might happen, whether it be a delay or an upcoming problem.

You need to make sure you are always on top of things so that they never become problems even if there is no way around them at the moment.

This is how you will be able to communicate how prepared your company is. If a client ever gets the impression that there might be a problem or issue, they’ll know how it happened and that their business was not at fault for whatever issues arose because of it.

While communication with clients can get overwhelming very quickly, how you do it can make or break how your company is perceived, how reliable you are, and how successful the business will become.

As a freelancer, how good of a communicator you are could even determine whether or not someone will work with you in the future.

5. Empathize With Your Clients & Their Needs

It is important to always put yourself in your client’s shoes and be empathetic with how they feel.

It is how you understand what they need from their product or service that will help them find success, which means finding a way to communicate those needs as well as how you can solve them.

This empathy also extends into other areas of how to communicate with clients, such as how you are flexible and understanding of how they work best.

For example, if a client finds that their business is better suited for phone calls or email instead of chat sessions then making the switch will help keep your relationship strong since you are adapting to how they do things so easily.

6. Be Responsible & Accountable For Your Business

The best way to show how responsible and accountable your business is when it comes to communication with clients, especially in the event of a delay or missed deadline.

If you are able to deliver on time and let them know why there was a problem (if one occurred), then they will be more than understanding about what happened.

This will show how responsible and accountable your company is when it comes to deadlines, which can be one of the most important things for clients in this day and age.

7. Be Consistent With Your Communication with Clients

Even if you try out a different method of communication than usual or switch how often you communicate, make sure that it’s consistent.

If you are always in touch with them in the same way, then it will become second nature for both of you and how they work best within that structure.

This consistency is how your clients will know how reliable their business is when working with your company because they can depend on how often or what means of communication they will receive from you.

This structure can also help to increase how much work they get through your company because it’ll be easier for them to predict how long a project might take and how often updates are going to occur, which in turn makes the entire process more successful overall.

8. Ask Questions with genuine interest

When it comes to how good of a communicator you are with clients, how often you ask questions and show interest in their needs is very important.

It can help them feel more comfortable working with your company because they know how dedicated you are to the work that’s being done as well as how much effort will be put into making it the best that it can be.

If a client ever gets the impression that there might be a problem or issue, they’ll know how it happened and that their business was not at fault for whatever issues arose because of it.

Even if you try out a different method of communication than usual or switch how often you communicate, make sure that it’s consistent. If you are always in touch with them in the same way, then it will become second nature for both of you and how they work best within that structure.

9. Add Personal Touch

By adding the personal touch, you are able to make your client feel special, which can show how dedicated and interested you are in them.

You need to make sure that the personal touch is obvious because hiding it within a template or something of that nature will not work at all when trying to build a relationship with someone.

If you want to add some kind of personal touch but aren’t sure how to go about it, then you can always send a handwritten note.

This is how good of a job your company does at communicating with clients and how much effort will be put into making them work as best as possible because this personal touch shows how important they are to your business.


Client Communication matters the most when it comes to how good of a job you are doing at running your company.

If you can adapt how often or what means of communication that works best for them while communicating, in the same way, each time, then this will show how reliable and responsible your business is when working with clients.

By offering good client communication, you can show how much effort will be put into making the product as best possible and how good of a job your company does.

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