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Every creative knows that branding is important in order to make a name for oneself and be recognized by the audience. Branding can take many forms, but it's not always easy to know what will resonate with an audience.

However, there are some things you can do in order to improve your brand and impress your audience:

  • Try using colors that represent your personality or values
  • Create a logo that attracts attention
  • Brand yourself as an expert in something specific

Personal Branding: A Beginner's Guide for Creatives

In the modern creative industry, it is essential for a person to have an online presence. This can be through social media profiles or even blog sites where all of your work and achievements are seen worldwide by potential business owners who may need someone with your skillset in their upcoming projects.

However, what happens when you’re not sure how to start this process of creating an online portfolio?

You can always hire a web developer to create one for you, but this will cost money that you might not want to spend. There are some applications online which allow people with no design experience or knowledge of coding languages to make their own portfolio websites which they can then promote themselves on social media and other areas.

For example, the website Canva allows its users to create their own designs for free which can be embedded into a blog post or used as an online portfolio site. This is also ideal if you are someone who does not have design experience but wants that quality in your work without having to hire another professional.

If you want to create a more advanced online portfolio, then websites like CSS Hero and Bootstrap Zero offer their users free templates which can be further customized with your own text or designs. This is an excellent way of creating something that reflects your personality as well as the quality of work you produce without spending too much money on development costs and auto subtitle generator is essential for video portfolios, saving time and resources by eliminating manual transcription

Define Your brand

Do you even know what it means to define a brand and how do you go about doing that? Well, this is where we come in.

We can help with the whole process of defining and building up your business’s success one step at a time. Simply follow our guide for creating an effective brand.

  • Define your brand to yourself and come up with a slogan.
  • Research the market you are trying to reach out to.
  • Conduct surveys on your target audience. This will help you understand their needs better as well as give them an opportunity to voice their opinion about what they want from your company or business. Come up with a list of features and benefits you can offer them.
  • Create an easy-to-understand website that clearly describes your brand’s vision, mission, values, and goals. Be sure to include information about your business such as its history, product, or service offerings so the audience will know exactly what they are getting into when working with you.
  • Keep your brand consistent across all channels where you are present including social media, content marketing, and digital advertising. Never forget to include the company’s logo on every one of these platforms so it is clear which business they belong to.

Conduct Research

You need to know what’s out there. You aren’t the first person in this position, and you won’t be the last.

Don’t just take our word for it, though!

There are several tools that can help you conduct research on your creative brand:

Google trend is a good place to start type in some keywords related to your field of interest or expertise, then see which terms have increased/decreased over time (and where they rank).

Also, check out Wikipedia compare what people search more often with how long certain pages stay up online; if something gets searched but isn't around anymore, why? What happened? Is social media worth getting involved with? How big is it? Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest are great for tracking conversations.

You can also try a Google search with your name as the keyword to see how often you come up in searches related to your field of expertise or interests; if someone else comes up more frequently than you do then that’s good information too!

And don’t forget about Buzzsumo this handy tool tells you which social media links get shared most on various platforms (and what they're sharing). Try searching terms relating to your creative brand chances are some of these will have been shared before so take note. It's all about building relationships online/offline after all.

Maintain Consistency

You want to maintain consistency in all your creative branding, but it can be difficult when you have a lot of moving parts.

For example, if you're creating an infographic and some people are writing the content for each section while another person is designing graphics, then there's going to be inconsistency from that point on even though everyone meant well.

To keep things consistent throughout the process, have one designated writer who writes everything first so it all has a similar voice before sending it out to designers. This also goes for your actual spoken voice, as people like to consume content from people they’re familiar with. Everyone will know what they need to do based on those initial guidelines set by the writer so nothing gets missed or misinterpreted along the way.

Focus on Design

This is where things get fun.

Now that you've got your "brand promise" nailed down, it's time to focus on what will make your creative brand stand out from the rest. This part of the process can take months or even years depending on how much work and detail goes into each element of your branding design strategy.

The following are five key areas for consideration when designing a creative brand: colors, fonts, logo styles & symbols, imagery & symbolism, typography. What do these have in common? They're all integral elements of visual communication.

It takes vision to consider how they'll interact with one another as well as other brands within similar marketplaces and it's this kind of thinking that sets apart truly unique brands from the rest.

Build Presence

This doesn’t mean that you have to be everywhere all at once. You need to build a presence on the platforms where your customers are getting their content from, whether it is Facebook or Instagram they will use whatever platform allows them to engage with brands in an easy way!

The easiest way for this would probably be through social media but do not underestimate the power of blogging too!

Having fresh new content out there about your products/services and sharing this with your audience shows authenticity which again builds trust within them. They feel like they know more about who you are, how many people work for you etc.

A lot of businesses fail because they don’t put quality into everything that creates brand awareness around themselves, so make sure you are putting in some extra work!

Create Compelling

When you are creating content for your creative brand, the first thing to consider is who you are trying to reach. That will inform everything that follows about what kinds of terms and language they use.

The below suggestions can be used as a starting point but should not replace research into how people talk online about similar topics in the industry you serve.

Use SEO Best Practices: This means using keywords throughout your post, including once or twice right up front so search engines know exactly what it’s all about.

Use Keywords Wisely: Try adding them at the end of each sentence if possible rather than repeating them over and over again which can become annoying to readers quickly.

Add Internal Links between Your Posts: Once you have a few blog posts, you’ll want to ensure that your readers can easily navigate through them with internal links. This is where the “read more” section comes into play and why most blogging platforms include this as standard. Make sure the content is easy to read, use rephraser to make it fluent, by doing this practice you'll engage more users.

Keep It Fresh: Don’t just write one post about everything you know! Mix it up by writing different things for each of your target audiences/niches - they will appreciate the variety and you won't bore yourself to death either.


At the end of our conversation, I provided some information on how to brand yourself as a creative. If you need help or have more questions feel free to email me on my contact page with any concerns! And if this article was helpful, please share it with others that may find value in my words!

Thank You For Reading! Have A Great Day!! :)

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