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Do you feel like you're spending too much time sending out the same email to your customers? Let's face it, manually sending emails can be a lot of work.

Luckily, there is now an easy way to automate those tedious tasks so that you can focus on more important things.

With automated email marketing software, it's possible to set up rules and triggers for specific actions taken by your customers and then automatically send them customized messages based on their behavior!

What is Email Automation?

Email Automation is a way to send personalized messages that reach the right people at the right time without doing all of this work manually.

Email automation software works by linking your marketing platform to a website analytics tool so you can target customers based on their behavior, preferences, and previous sales history.

Then, it's possible to customize each email they receive and make them more relevant to the customer's experience.

Will email automation work for your business?

Email automation software can be used in any industry, not just technology! It's important to track customer behavior and preferences so it works best if there is a clear path of action or purchase (e.g., a SaaS model).

Automated emails can be used for:

  • Welcome messages  after the first purchase
  • Nurturing emails to help guide customers through your sales funnel
  • Happy birthday or anniversary messages that increase customer loyalty and retention
  • Verification emails that make sure new users are legitimate.
  • Companies should start with one message then add more over time as you learn what works best for your audience.

When do I get started?

The best time to start email automation is now! Automating your emails can save so much time and energy plus, it will help increase sales. Contact us today for more information on how we can help you take your business to the next level.

Marketing Automation is a new type of marketing that helps you reach the right customers with personalized messages at all stages in their customer journey.

How to start email automation

1. Start with a plan

To get started, you need to know where you want your email automation journey to take you.

Start by knowing what type of content resonates best with your customers and how they like to engage (e.g., through SMS text messaging or on social media).

From there, map out all the actions that current and potential customers can perform within your product.

You'll also need to know what email automation software is compatible with your website analytics tool so that you can automate the right messages at the right time.

2. Be Clear about timing!

By now, you should have a good idea of when customers are most likely to interact with emails but don't send them too often or they'll get annoyed.

You also want to send emails at a time when your customers are likely to open them, so test out different days and times of the week before sending bulk messages.

3. Test Out Messages

Once you've started email automation, you must continue monitoring customer behavior and preferences as these will likely change over time.

Test out new messages and offers to make sure you're always speaking your customers' language!

4. Customer Feedback

Email automation is only as good as the messages you send out, so make sure to schedule some time for customer feedback.

Once your customers have received their automated emails, ask them what they thought about it were there any key points that could be improved? Do they want more or less of a certain type of email?

The main goal here is to make sure that you're sending relevant emails with personalized messages at the right time.

5. Tracking And Reporting

Automated email marketing makes it easy to see which messages were sent and how effective they were because you can track opens, clicks, and more.

This information is also helpful to use in future marketing campaigns or for customer segmentation.

How does it help?

When you automate your email marketing, it can be a great time saver and help you improve conversions because each message is relevant to that specific audience.

An example of this would be if someone abandoned their shopping cart without making a purchase on your website. You could use an automated e-mail to ask them why they left and give them a discount to entice them back.

1. Personalize Messages

This process is also great because it allows you to easily personalize your messages. It's possible to send customized emails based on customer behavior, preferences, and previous sales history.

This way, you can make sure that all of your customers feel like individuals instead of just another number in a long list.

2. Customize Emails For Maximum Relevance

Another benefit of automation is that you can make your campaigns more relevant and increase conversions by sending automated messages based on the behavior, preferences, and previous sales history of each customer.

A great example would be if someone abandoned their shopping cart without making a purchase on your website. Automated emails can be a great way to entice them back and ask why they left.

3. Increase Conversions

In addition, using automated email marketing software helps you increase conversions because the messages are so relevant.

You might think that this would be annoying for customers but studies have shown that it actually increases trust in the brand. It shows that you are willing to go the extra mile for them and pay attention when they take specific actions.

4. Engage Customers

Since automated emails are customized for each customer, you can also send more engaging content that will keep them interested in your brand.

This way, it's possible to improve conversions and create a better overall experience instead of sending out generic marketing messages.

For example, if someone is signing up on your website but hasn't made a purchase yet, an automated email could be a great way to ask them why they haven't and what you can do for them.

5. Brand Building

This type of email marketing is also great for building brand loyalty because it helps you get to know your customers on a more personal level.

With automated emails, the possibilities are endless and there's no limit to what sort of content you can send. This means that it's possible to find new ways every week or month to engage with each person that interacts with your brand.

An automated email is the best way to start building an effective marketing strategy for your business!

6. Nurture Leads

Another way to use email automation is for lead nurturing. This means that you can keep customers in the loop when they are on your website but haven't purchased anything yet.

This could be through an automated emails series, which sends a few messages overtime to give them discounts or remind them of certain things about your business that might convince them to buy.

7. Expand Your Reach

Automated emails are also a great way to expand your reach because they can be scheduled ahead of time so you don't have to spend as much time on them.

By making sure that everyone is receiving relevant information, it's possible to increase conversions and improve the overall experience for each person that interacts with your brand.

Spreading information to potential customers is the aim of email marketing campaigns. Since automated messages are customized for each person, it's possible to spread the information more effectively and improve conversions.

The possibilities that come with automation through email marketing software are endless because you can always find new ways to engage with customers on a personal level while building brand loyalty.

8. Maximize Revenue

Finally, using automated email software helps you increase revenue because it gives the customers a better experience and makes them more likely to buy.

It's also possible to gain back any lost sales with this strategy by sending follow-up messages that show each person how much they matter.

This way, even if someone didn't purchase while on your website, you can still ensure that they are receiving relevant information about your business.

What's included?

Automated email marketing can be done in many different ways depending on your needs, but here are some of the common features:

  • Triggers

This is what makes it possible to set up rules and triggers for specific actions taken by your customers.

  • Templates

It's possible to send automated messages based on certain customer behavior, preferences, or previous sales history.

It is also helpful because you can use different templates for each part of the process (such as thank-you emails after someone has made a purchase) so that everything looks professional.

  • Email List Segmentation

This feature is great for personalization because it allows you to target specific groups of your customers based on several different factors such as where they are in the buying process or what their interests might be.


When you use email automation, the possibilities are endless. The options for marketing campaigns and engagement is unlimited which means that it's possible to find new ways every week or month to engage with each person that interacts with your brand.

An automated email is also a great way to expand your reach because they can be scheduled ahead of time so you don't have to spend as much time on them.

If you want to give your customers a great experience and increase revenue, you must take the time to set up automated email marketing campaigns.

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